Christmas Wrapped 2023

It’s finally the end of our 2023 Christmas Photoshoot.
25 days felt really short because every single day was spent with laughter and friendly faces. The black & white theme also seemed to be in favour to everyone’s aesthetic these days! Not gonna lie, the success of this year’s Christmas Photoshoot really motivates us to do something even cooler next year. (Can anyone guess what will be our theme next year?)

Moreover, it was a glimpse of fresh air to hear stories about what people do in their everyday lives. We met social media influencers, musicians, photographer, accountants, IT specialists. We survived a 44-degree celsius day while wearing our black outfits (never again tho 😭.) ALSO, we discovered that we’re a pretty good dog sitter. I mean, how can you resist their cute faces?

We’ll keep this short because there are no words that can describe our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who joined us in making this event so special! Your enthusiasm and smiles truly lit up the holiday season. We hope you enjoyed the photos and video captured during this memorable occasion.

Your participation means the world to us, and we look forward to capturing more magical moments together in the coming year. Until then, may your holidays be filled with love, joy, and beautiful memories.

See you next year!


2023 : It’s been wonderful


Updates on Christmas Photoshoot